My experience at the ASEA GLOBAL CONVENTION
I always have the pleasure of learning, meeting new people from different parts of the world and traveling; For this reason, the ASEA Global Convention was the perfect excuse to sign up and decide to go to Las Vegas this past April 21st.

I was extremely surprised by the professionalism of this event and once again convinced that ASEA is an excellent company. First, they explained to us the new products that are coming to revolutionize health, beauty and well-being, and the last 2 days were basically how to successfully develop your business.
I was fascinated by the conference regarding how to develop your business internationally, since, as an ASEA Associate, you can offer your products in the 35 countries with your same membership number. Thanks to the fact that everything is online, there are leaders who have managed to form teams in Malaysia, Taiwan, Europe, being in the United States. The secret was to start in your locality and then in the country that you want and that has ASEA distribution.

Another very important point that was highlighted in the Convention is the company's SLOGAN, which is "We Power Potential". Thanks to their technology, they can empower our cells to return to the way they were when we were children and empower our abilities to develop as people.
It was very inspiring to see so many successful people, who have helped many people and now live a life in total freedom. And best of all, they are willing to show how they did it.
A mi me gusta tomar tips de diferentes lugares para adaptarlo a todos mis negocios, crecer, desarrollarme y mejorarme cada dÃa. Por eso ASEA me encanta y quiero seguir desarrollarme en ella.
Si tienes curiosidad de saber más de esta empresa, de su misión y/o sus productos, con gusto te puedo explicar.